Monday, January 29, 2007

Christmas is over - thank you! And now its on to the spring. I have a few larger projects (one is now complete) that will keep me away from my easel. I just finished the first mural project for Ruckel Middle School. I led a small group of select art students in painting the school's mascot on the wall. It came out great - we painted that over Martin Luther King weekend.

The plein air work is on hold right now - its freezing in the winter time. However, I'm switching the work over to oil. I'm not sure what possessed me to make this sudden switch (marketability???). The oils are quite different to work with. As a sworn acrylicist, the transition hasn't been too hard....just different. I'm going to continue to do all underlays in acrylic and then switch over to the oil for all subsequent layers.

Abstracts. Ugh. what can I say? the brain needs to be able to flow readily and right now its not. I've really struggled with this side lately. Being in a new house without my old studio is probably the major problem. I'm sure that the work will continue, but for now, it seems like only the commissioned works (murals)are getting my attention. I miss painting. The divorce played hell on the creative fluid side of me and I don't feel settled. I'm pretty sure I'll get my footing again soon.

New Announcement:
Gallery East in Montgomery Alabama is now handling much of my plein air work. Most of what is on the flicker page is now in his gallery. He's an awesome man with an awesome gallery. Please feel free to contact him at 334-356-3900.


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